
“Sayê Moru” is the first play that performed entirely in Zaza language. The play was staged as narrated. It wasn’t rewritten. A non-Aristotelian staging was preferred via metaphoric and symbolic items that based on the Dersim (an area of eastern Turkey) version of the well-known “Shahmaran” fairy tale. The narrative is based on the theme of death-immortality. “Lokman Hekim” (Luqman the Wise) is looking for a solution to death. Before he died he legated 3 papers to his son Camisan. Camisan met Shahmaran in underground. At the end of the play, Camisan became “Luqman the Wise” like her father. Unlike other versions, Şahmaran is a bearded snake in “Sayê Moru”.


“Sayê Moru” was staged by Seyr-i Mesel Theatre in Zaza language in a festival titled “The Wedding of Fairy Tales” . Tales of Arabs, Kurds, Turks, Circassians, Lazs, Armenians and Ezidis were narrated at the event for a month. Within the scope of that meeting, the “Shahmaran” fairy tale was staged as a theatrical and musical form. The play was later staged at the “Munzur Festival” held in the city where it was compiled. Also it was performed at the “International Ankara Theater Festival”. More than 30 plays were staged in different cities of Turkey.

Gulperi and Mustafa Duzgun

Name of the Creators in English


Year of Writing


Year of the First Staging