
Io is a contemporary text written in the form of a Greek tragedy by Şahika Tekand using the story and information from Greek mythology. The story is inspired by a mythological figure named Io who appears in a short scene in Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus. In Prometheus Bound, Io meets Prometheus during her exile and hears his prophecy about Zeus’ end. In Tekand’s tragedy, a long time after this meeting and all that happened, Io finally returns to her homeland, Argos. When she encounters the people of Argos, it turns out that her story was mistold, no one does neither listen nor believe her. They prefer to accept the story that they heard and keep things according to that, instead of finding out about the truth. Then, Hermes, Kratos, and Bia appear as the representatives of Zeus to force her to stay silent; but Io keeps telling the truth. While people cannot understand who is right and what is the truth, Prometheus appears and explains the human’s blind side: people always tend to forget in order to keep conformity. As they forgot about the fire he’d stolen from the Titans and gave them before, now they prefer not to the truth about Io. In the end, Io’s unstoppable rebellious voice is interrupted by the absolute darkness of oblivion.


According to mythological information, Io is the daughter of Inachus and one of the mistreated, misfortuned mortal-lovers of Zeus who is cursed by the jealous Hera: she is transformed into a white heifer by Zeus to avoid Hera’s jealousy. When Hera finds out, she enmeshed Io with a gadfly to string her continuously. Io, with this endless torture, is exiled by Zeus and wandered all over the world from the Ionian Sea to Bosporus, Egypt, and beyond.

23rd Istanbul Theater Festival, November 2019.

Şahika Tekand

Name of the Playwright in English


Year of Writing


Year of the First Staging